
created by caleb g. wilson

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I am caleb wilson, and on this website I will be talking about solutions to climate change.

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watch this video to find out!!!!!!!

Solutions to slow or stop climate change:

Problem: PowerPlants
The first issue that we will look at lies within the power plants and industrial factories. As we all know, coal is a natural resource that is used in a variety of ways by these plants and industrial buildings. The coal is heated to the correct temperature to allow it to ignite and burn. During this burning process carbon (CO2) is released. As the suns rays and other cosmic rays enter into the Earth's atmosphere, the CO2 traps them. Once the rays are trapped, this allows for the atmosphere to heat up which in turn heats our planet. Semiopaque is what allows the CO2 to trap the rays. Semiopaque simply means that the CO2 is semi-transparent. Due to being semi-transparent, the CO2 absorbs the heat transferred by the passing rays. Although CO2 is the molecule that provides the most absorbtion, there are other molecules and atoms that help to absorb the heat during the process as well.

Solution: PowerPlants
The first solution to this, is to build more nuclear plants, solar farms, or even harvest energy from black holes. All of which, does not release CO2. In fact The black hole method thoery will not take place on earth. Moving on, with these methods CO2 levels should go down by 69%. Thus It should slow down the process of climate change. However, Non-fossil fuel power sources will not stop climate change. If we want to stop climate change we will have to do alot more than replace our power source.

Nuclear power plant:

Hydro-electric power
co2 emision percentage from coal webpage